Co-Pastor Cynthia Hudson
"One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the
LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to enquire in his temple."
(Psalms 27:4)
Elder Cynthia accepted Christ as her personal Savior and Lord in 1985. She joined Christ
Deliverance Church under the leadership of Pastor Martin Jacobs. She faithfully served there as
an Usher Board member, a Choir member, a Youth Leader, a member of the Prayer Ministry,
and a Pastor’s Care member. Additionally, she facilitated several church retreats. At this time,
she received her first internal call to minister the Word of God. As a result, in 1989, she enrolled in the Baltimore School of the Bible.
In 1991, as led by the Spirit of God, she joined Words of Life Ministries, Inc., under the
leadership of Pastor Lethonia Davis, where she accepted the call to minister the Word of God. In
1993, she was ordained a licensed minister. She served there faithfully in many leadership roles,
including Evangelistic Outreach, Prayer Ministry, Board Member, Administrator, Trustee, and
Assistant Pastor from 1997 until 2015. At that time, the Lord God, in His infinite wisdom, called
Pastor Lethonia Davis home to be with him.
After much prayer and fasting, in 2016, Elder Cynthia was led to join Transforming
Christian Life Ministries, Inc., under the leadership of Pastor and Founder Delene Mosby, where
she served as an Administrative Assistant and Adjutant to the Senior Pastor. She currently serves as President of the Women’s Ministry, and Vice President of the Board of Trustees. She is a committed intercessor, faithful
teacher, and preacher rightly dividing the word of truth. As a member of Transforming Christian
Life Ministries, Inc., Elder Cynthia is spiritually covered by Bishop Isabelle E. Grant, Trinity
New Birth International Christian Ministries Inc., and Bishop Maureen L. Davis, Presiding
Prelate of the Gates of Heaven Assemblies of Churches. Elder Cynthia is a faithful member of
the GOHAOC Intercessory Prayer Ministry.
Elder Cynthia was employed by the State of Maryland for 33 years with the Baltimore
City Department of Social Services as a Family Investment Specialist. She loved her job because
it gave her a platform to share the gospel of Jesus Christ, and many souls were won. She retired
in 2017, at which time she began full-time ministry. As a result, she felt the need to continue her
Christian education. In 2017, she attended The Baltimore School of the Bible and Faith
Theological Seminary. Elder Cynthia is attending Maranatha Baptist University and Seminary,
where she is simultaneously pursuing a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biblical Studies and a
Master of Arts Degree in Biblical Counseling.
Elder Cynthia loves God and his people and has a special heart for the lost and those who
are hurting. Her story is still being written. Praise God, on May 21, 2022; Elder Cynthia Hudson
was installed as the Co-Pastor of Transforming Christian Life Ministries, Inc. Pastor Cynthia
earned an Associate of Arts degree in Christian Ministry on December 15, 2023. To God be the
glory for the great things He has done, He is doing, and He will do.
Elder Cynthia’s favorite quote: “Men want to build temples of bricks, but my desire is to
build temples for God.” (Pastor Lethonia Davis)